what's ergonomics

What Is "Ergonomics"?

Ergonomics (Human Engineering), also known as ergonomics, human engineering, ergonomics, ergonomics or human ergonomics (Ergonomics). Ergonomics Ergonomics originally from the Greek “Ergo”, that is, “work, labor” and “nomos”, that is, “law, Effect”, i.e. to explore the regularity of people’s labor, work effect and efficiency. Ergonomics is composed of six sub-disciplines, namely: anthropometry, biomechanics, labor physiology, environmental physiology, engineering psychology, time and work research.


Ergonomics, as defined by the International Ergonomics Association (IEA), is “the study of the anatomical, physiological, and psychological aspects of human beings in a given work environment; the study of the interactions between human beings, machines, and the environment; and the study of how human beings can unify the issues of efficiency, health, safety, and comfort at work, in their home lives, and on vacation”. It is a discipline that deals with the problems of productivity, health, safety and comfort”. According to Prof. Obara of Chiba University, Japan, ergonomics is the study of the human body’s working capacity and its limits, so that the work performed by people tends to adapt to the various characteristics of human anatomy, physiology, and psychology.”


— from Baidu Encyclopedia

Ergonomics is a science that, in simple terms, studies and designs equipment, systems, and processes that are suitable for comfortable human operation. Its purpose is to enhance efficiency, comfort, and safety in the workplace or other environments, with the goal of minimizing human injury, discomfort, and the risk of harm. 


  • Workplace: Designing office furniture such as chairs, desks, and
    computer equipment to prevent fatigue.
  • Product Design: Developing consumer products that are easier and more
    comfortable to use.
  • Control Rooms: Designing consoles and workspaces to reduce operator
    fatigue, improve focus, and enhance efficiency (related to the control
    room console business).
  • Healthcare: Designing tools and environments that prevent injury to
    healthcare professionals and patients.
  • Good ergonomic design can improve work efficiency, comfort, and
    well-being, while poor ergonomics can lead to health issues and decreased


So, may I ask if your
console is ergonomically designed? If you would like to know more about our
ergonomically designed consoles, please contact EasyConsoles!!!

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